Jovy's updates

1. Sadly Beautiful: A Vinyl Show
......a benefit show

December 8th through December 22nd, 2007
at the Black Maria Gallery in LA

Artists: brent nolasco, motorbot, adrian pina, ryan crippen, bwana spoons, jon measures, phuek!, jovanne santos, lynette may, david wagner, squidnik, jennyfur, edzepln, jason jacenko, doktor a, peenloon, drilone, lou pimentel, randy kono, mr. atom, dawn lauckner, rhinomilk, jennybird, david epochalypse, marion hawkes, blinky, julie b, nathan lumm, benedict sisters, jet wrench, jenna colby, mark meyers, paul candler, renee lawter, shiro fujioka, coreroc, kid lew, lionel uhry, leecifer, nick the ring, henry lichtmann, jester, podgy panda, katherine wilson, deeann morales, agg, anna, manimal, scott cummins, bucky lastard, monica campbell, david wagner, jane gotts, terk, glory tsui and more.... read more at
2. Taking a break and moving:
I am currently moving to FL, so my workstation is completely packed. I hope to work on new projects by the new year.
...since I'm moving I won't be able to attend the art show coming this Dec... I just want to encourage everyone to check out the art show at the Black maria Gallery in LA.. great list of artist and just beautiful works all for great cause.